Life is Short. Make the most of it.

I woke up today to the news that Chadwick Boseman passed away. He succumbed to stage IV cancer after four years of treatment. In the middle of chemotherapy and surgeries, he played iconic roles that glorified his heritage as a Black man - whether it was through biographies of Jacob King and Thurgood Marshall or through the fictional superhero, Black Panther. 

He embodied a commitment to his craft, pride in his roots, and strength in his suffering, all within a short life of 43 years. His death is a gentle reminder of how life is short. Unless we live every day bringing alive our best potential to the best of our ability, we may die feeling a sense of guilt or regret. At the same time, his life is also a reminder of the impact you can have in a short time on many around you. Every choice that you make matters and is an opportunity for you to serve. You can leave a mark no matter how long you have to live.

The Ancestral Plane in Wakanda

I am not Black. In fact, I am an upper-caste Indian belonging to the religious majority. I have only read some stories of Black oppression, both historic and current. Even then, I was deeply moved to see the dignity and grace with which Chadwick Boseman brought alive the first Black superhero on screen. I was blown away with the response the movie saw from people of the Black community. It offered them a symbol of strength and justice who looked and spoke like them. While Black Panther was not perfect, it was a reminder that children today need heroes who come from diverse ethnicities, castes, religions, genders, and body types. Black Panther was one such hero to break the stereotypes. 

As I listened to a few songs from the Original Sound Track, tears welled up in my eyes. I felt an opening within me. While I have started reading authors that represent diverse social backgrounds and watching films about women by women, I realized I still have a long way to go in expanding the diversity of movies I watch. In the memory of Chadwick Boseman, I want to watch stories from storytellers who represent a minority/diversity perspective. I would love your recommendations on such movies if you know any. 

In the context of his death, the songs King's Sunset and Pray For Me held a very different meaning than they did earlier. Listen to them, and let these thoughts sink in...


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