What I wish for my child

I wish...

...you know and feel unconditional love and belonging and can offer it to others.

...you feel heard and seen and can make others feel the same.

...you can care and provide for self without feeling greed or inadequacy

...you are compassionate to others and most importantly your self

...you have the courage to be yourself and yet, accept that the self is a perpetual work in progress

...you can understand and question different paradigms before embracing them in your worldview.

...you can let go of beliefs, values and world views that are disproved or no longer serve you and your world without feeling shame, guilt or inertia.

...you are open to your outer world of people, places, things and experiences, and your inner world of thoughts, feelings, values and beliefs.

...you can plan for your life but also respond to emergence, trusting your intuition.

...you are self-reliant and yet appreciate your interdependence with other beings and nature.

...you strive for happiness, meaning and harmony and not wealth, fame, status and success.

...you feel awe and wonder for the beauty and magic in our universe.

...you use the wisdom of your body and spirit more than that of your mind.

...you embrace, experience and understand every emotion like you would a loved friend.

...you have access to opportunities to find learning, connection, support, and gratitude for all that enables you to find them.

...you attain mastery in your field of choice but have the humility to recognise there are other ways of seeing or knowing the world.

...you can commit with your mind, body, and soul to your life's purpose and yet set boundaries for your own well-being.

...you feel hope and optimism despite setbacks and failures in life

...you strive for the balance between love and power and take responsibility.

...you feel oneness with those who are different from you but also find a community of belonging.

...you always nurture your sense of wonder, imagination and creation and yet make decisions keeping in mind its impact on others, the society and our planet.

...you know that these wishes are a North Star, and your journey to being this being is a life-long endeavour.

...you know you have the biggest say in who you choose to be, and we will always hold space for you.


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