An Idea can change you life...

I used to be a happy customer once, until they ruined it all. Being with Idea is all about:
  • Calling the helpline and getting inconsistent information, every time.
  • Visiting the customer care centre for a service request and being sent back because a form is not available.
  • Visiting the customer care centre again to switch to a prepaid connection and being told the incorrect pending amount.
  • Being promised a service activation in 24 hours and being left unreachable for 72 hours, because you had a further pending balance to pay up for.
  • Not being able to get a lifetime recharge done on your phone when you know you are going to be abroad for 3 months.
  • Recharging on line in the dire hope that you will have incoming messages on international roaming.
  • Landing 6000 kilometre away and then discovering that the country you were travelling to is not supported by your service provider, though you were once told it was by their representative.
  • Returning after 3 months to find out they have discontinued your service.
  • Receiving an e-bill which actually shows a credit amount to your account, for which your connection was initially put on hold.
  • Not receiving the credit amount back on your mail address via a cheque.
  • Sending promotional schemes to disgruntled old customer by e-mail for new post paid services, despite having responded to them saying you do not want to hear from them.
Customer retention is important, especially for post paid customers of high life time value. However, if you make the exit from postpaid so miserable for them, they will not only leave your postpaid plan but your service. And if you still continue to nag them, they will write posts like these in your honour. Now that is one hell of an Idea, sirjee!!


Harjot said…
Well tell me about it ! Since the day idea guys blackmailed us into buying their CUG right on the first day of campus being the sponsors of the college fest, have been wanting to shift !!!Now just a couple of months to go !! Can't wait to get rid of idea !! Funny to read your rant on the same ! but come on you already had better options !!
Kaustuv said…
MNP here i come eh ? :)
Anonymous said…
CRM is abt retaining "profitable" customers..may b they wanted to demarket it intentionally :D
The Illuminator said…
MNP is applicable when you still have your phone number. My phone service was discontinued by them while I was away thanks to the validity period issues.

I am back to Vodafone now :D

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