
A drop of sunshine,
A ray of rain;
Did you know her little heart
Has its own brain?

Covering the grey rainbow
Lie cotton clouds astray,
In shades of pink and violet
Her sorrow they keep at bay.

Birds are her friends,
Butterflies her family;
Humans she doesn't understand
Their ways are weird and funny.

She knows no silence
And words are a stranger,
When eyes do the talking
You need neither.

Call her eccentric,
She couldn't care less.
Because she is an aspiring dreamer;
In her world, a princess.

PS1: A boring train journey helped me cut short the count down!

PS2: This was my 150th post on the blog. It has come a long way. Yaay.


Unknown said…
I have a question here..
Are you describing a real girl who inspired you for this or she is just an imagination??
Anonymous said…
Wow .. this is really about someone 'dreamy' :P On a serious note , just loved the flow of words weaved with imagination ! Sounds kinda filmy , but I am sure most of them see this slice of reality in girls !!
AnicA said…
nice amalgamation of words ! very beautiful out n i really liked "did you know her li'l heart has its own brain..." :)
The Illuminator said…
@Max: As real as the air you breathe :)

@adreamygal: Well, this one takes it to new heights.

@enigma: Thanks.

@All: In case anyone of you know me, reveal yourself by dropping me a mail so I know who is who!!
personal diary said…
She welcomes you to her world with open arms,
beckoning you to come closer so that she can whisper a little secret.
She might be a story teller,
but its up to you to believe it.

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