A Mother's Life

She sits there, staring not at her kids but the brick wall that lies before her eyes, wondering. Even though she is not looking at them, they are the only thing on her mind. She asks herself:

''Will their future be the same as my present?"

''Will they come and hug me when they grow older like the do now?''

''Without them, my life is as lifeless as the bricks in the wall.''

The kids, not knowing what is on hers mind continue playing with one another, gleefully unaware of how she sacrifices her today for their tomorrow. She and the children will all grow older, she growing more fond of them while they grow more distant from her as time passes.

With time, the show of affection is replaced by a bond so strong, that its beauty cannot be conveyed in words or physical gestures. It grows. It feeds on their love for each other. Just like a hatchling who discovers his skill of flight, leaves the nest never to return, children would forget their mothers had this metamorphosis in their relationship not occurred. Luckily, that is not the case. Their love is timeless. It is the love of a mother and her child.

PS: A belated Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who have made their children everything they are today.


Pallavi said…
Its just beautiful :) I love my mom! Felt like saying it here. Hehe
Labyrinthine said…
I'm feeling bad for not having wished my mom on mothers' day. Just thought it wasn't necessary. But maybe it was.

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