Happy Birthday to the Shadows

It has been two years since I have been on the blogosphere. I have learnt a lot from my able blogging buddies, taken encouragement from them, received healthy criticism and I would like to think I have improved, in terms of both the quantity and quality of the posts on Whispering Shadow. But still, perfection is far from achieved. So fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, I am going to go on with the opinionated and desultory expression of my thoughts for at least a few more years to come.

Big Ben's Cake

Talking of birthdays, birthdays/anniversaries of loved ones have always proved to be lucky for me. Since the blog can be counted as one of those, I am hoping I get lucky again. This time it’s technically a day later but the blessings of the goddess of good fate can not wane off over a period of just a day.

And if a slumdog can become a millionaire, anything is possible as long as ‘it is written’ (Slumdog Millionaire is highly recommended).

Gosh, things I do to do please myself!


Priya said…
Happy Birthday Shadow!!
Hey its always nice to please yourself. I do that EVERY TIME! :P
(Any chances that Whispering Shadow will shift to wordpress soon?)
Vishesh said…
happy birthday :)
Labyrinthine said…
Happy 2nd birthday Whispering Shadow!!:D
Anonymous said…
happy bday to you! and that cake looks alarmingly like a layer salad.
Pallavi said…
I think I've seen that cake before.
Happy b'day :)

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