
Showing posts from October, 2024

How is it going, daddy? (9/n)

It has been 9 months since I posted about my parenting journey, and a lot has happened since then.  What has changed for D? D is playing more socially compared to her earlier solo play in presence of other children. She has been able to identify friendships where she feels more comfortable, like with I, L and R, and has insane amounts of fun whilst with them. Separating her from them is always fraught with protests and tears, followed by passing out from exhaustion. From observing her, I sense play is only meaningful for her when it is self directed and she has a choice of what to do.  She does not want to be told how to play at all. There is a sense of independent choice making she values more now than before.  D is also showing early signs of emotional awareness. Everyday, I check in with her on how she is feeling - happy, sad, angry or scared. And she has become increasingly honest about her answers. Just the other day, she said she was feeling angry because mummy brought her home w